Upper Eye Surgery
Upper Eye Surgery


Upper eyelid surgery is an operation to remove deformations in the upper eyelid. With upper eyelid aesthetics, the skin that loses its elasticity and becomes loose and prone to sagging over time, and then the herniated fat tissues due to aging are intervened. Upper eyelid aesthetic surgery is a comfortable and reliable operation, is an operation that takes 45 minutes on average and is performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia or sedation.

Upper eyelid plastic surgery
Upper eyelid plastic surgery is an operation performed in the operating room in a full-fledged hospital. Before starting the operation, the excess skin on the upper eyelid is scratched to the extent determined in the consultation examination and the area to be intervened during the operation is determined. During this procedure, the patient is under sedation or local anesthesia.

After the necessary drawings are made on the upper eyelid, the surgical team moves to the relevant department for sterilization. Here, after the team performs sterilization to cover the hands and arms, an incision is made by following the drawing made at the exact crease point of the eyelids. After this incision, the subcutaneous tissues are reshaped and the excess skin that is sagging and loosening is removed. After the excess skin accumulated on the eyelid is removed, a thin suture is made from the fold of the eyelid, and then thin tapes are adhered to both eyelids. If a combined procedure, in which an additional procedure is required, will not be performed, the operation is completed in an average of 45 minutes and the patient is taken to the room.

Is there a scar after upper eyelid plastic surgery?
In upper eyelid aesthetic surgery, as in many aesthetic operations, scars remain. However, with the right planning, it is possible to obtain an almost scarless surgical result by concealing this scar very well. In upper eyelid surgery, the entire incision and subsequent suture are made at the exact crease of the upper eyelid. Since the operation coincides with the fold in an average of 6 months to 1 year, the scar of the operation, which is barely visible, turns pale and takes on an appearance of almost nothing, as it turns pale and takes on a color close to the color of the skin.

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