Arm Lift
Arm Lift

Arm Lift Aesthetics

Arm lift surgery is a surgical operation with a high success rate and effect. Before the arm lift surgery is performed, the causes of sagging are determined by conducting examinations, analyzes on the patient. Accordingly, the appropriate treatment method will be selected.

If necessary, liposuction will be performed first, then the excess skin on the arm is surgically will be removed and discarded. Arm lift surgery will be performed with local anesthesia. It takes approximately one and a half to two hours. However, in some patients, arm lift surgery can also be performed under general anesthesia. It is recommended to stay in the hospital for one day after the surgery. In individuals with sagging in the upper arm, a bat-shaped image is formed when the arm is raised.


The Process After Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lift surgery is not a difficult operation. Therefore, arm lift surgery has a very easy process, if arm lift surgery performed under local anesthesia, the patient starts walking immediately after the operation and can be discharged. If arm surgery performed under general anesthesia, the patient is discharged one day after the operation. It is normal to have a feeling of pain in the area where the surgery was performed after the surgery.

Therefore, the specialist doctor gives painkillers. After the operation, edema and swelling may be seen in the area where the application is made. These disappeared on their own within 2-3 weeks. It is recommended not to lift heavy for 2-3 weeks after arm lift surgery.

Who is it suitable for?

Arm stretching aesthetics is performed on individuals of all ages who are deemed appropriate. Especially in middle-aged and older women, the demand for arm stretching becomes more frequent, as the relaxation in the upper arm increases. However, depending on the skin structure, if the degree of sagging at young ages is high, arm lift surgery can be applied.

This procedure is mostly applied to individuals who lose weight quickly or have thick arms. In case of thickening due to fat accumulation in the arm, only liposuction is applied to the patient. When the arm becomes thin after liposuction, sagging may occur, especially since there is a soft tissue structure in the inner arm, in this case, the patient also undergoes arm lift surgery after liposuction.


How is the operation done?

Interviews are held with the patient and the way to be followed for the intervention will be discussed. The operation area will be determined by making drawings on the sagging skin on the upper arm, approximately 5 cm from the elbow. This distance continues until the armpit and the excess skin will be removed and the arm will be  stretched. Arm lift surgery takes about 1-2 hours, it is a quick procedure and the patient does not feel serious pain after the operation.

Food should not be eaten in the 6 hours before arm lift surgery. In the same way, from 1 day before the arm lift surgery, substances that increase the liquidity of the blood, such as cigarettes and aspirin, should not be used. At this point, it is very important to pay attention to what your doctor says and to follow our doctor's recommendations.

What Should Be Considered After Arm Lift Surgery?

If local anesthesia has been applied, those who have arm lift surgery are usually discharged on the same day. Patients who are given general anesthesia can be discharged after 1-2 days. Stitches are not visible on the inside of the arm and stitches do not need to be removed. After the operation, the patient should wear the arm bandages produced for this operation.


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