Filling (Juvederm)
Filling (Juvederm)

Why Do Nasolabial Lines Occur?
As our skin ages, it slows down the production of collagen and therefore loses its elasticity. For this reason, sagging occurs in some areas. This causes wrinkles in sagging. It occurs due to reasons such as the use of mimic movements in nasolabial lines, rapid weight gain and loss, loss of elasticity due to aging.

How is Nasolabial Filling Applied?
First of all, the mouth and nose areas are cleaned with special cleaners, then the area to be treated with numbing cream is anesthetized. After the numbness occurs, it is entered under the skin from the edge of the mouth with the help of a very fine needle, which we call a phantom needle, or with the help of special cannulas.
 Then, the wrinkled area is slowly filled with the help of a cannula. The procedure takes an average of 10 minutes and does not interfere with your daily life. Nasolabial filling is an almost painless filling procedure.

What Should We Pay Attention To After Nasolabial Filling?

It is not recommended to wear make-up for the first two hours after the nasolabial filling procedure. In the first week, hammam, sauna, very steamy bath, facial massage are not recommended. If you have sensitive skin and you have redness, you can get rid of the redness by applying ice.

To Whom Is Nasolabial Filling Applied?
Although it is usually preferred in the thirties, it can be applied to any age group who is uncomfortable with nasolabial lines. If there are wrinkles around the mouth that give an unhappy and tired expression to the person extending downwards, this procedure can be performed if there are wrinkles due to aging.

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that makes lips fuller, more voluminous and more eye-catching. Recently, dermal fillers are the most used method for lip augmentation.

There are many types of fillers used for lip augmentation.
Among these, the most accepted and the most used hyaluronic acid filling applications are today. Hyaluronic acid is a structural tissue that is already present in our body. For this reason, hyaluronic acid fillers are the most reliable in terms of safety and the lowest risk of allergic reactions.
In addition, when the antidote of hyaluronic acid fillers is encountered in an unexpected situation or there is an undesirable result, it is a great advantage in terms of filling application to melt it with the antidote as if the filling was never made.

Methods used for lip augmentation
* Fat injections
It is possible to achieve extremely natural and voluminous lips in lip augmentation with oil injections, which are often used in facial rejuvenation and have very successful results. However, in lip augmentation with fat injection, the patient should be warned about the necessity of repeating sessions beforehand.
Because fat injections are a very active area of ​​the lip, they may show rapid melting and may require several sessions again.
* Implants (prostheses, silicones)
Just like breast prostheses, lip prostheses are also available. Prostheses, which are generally made of silicone, are also called permalip. These silicone prostheses used in lip augmentation are placed on the lip with a minor surgical intervention. On average, it is an operation of 30 to 40 minutes. Lip augmentation with a silicone prosthesis is a permanent procedure.
* Lip lift surgery lip lift
It appears as a sign of aging, especially in advancing ages, in addition to turning the upper lip inward, increasing the lip-to-nose distance, loss of lip volume.
Liplift surgery is a successful method of lip augmentation that is highly preferred after the age of 40, as it can be performed under local anesthesia, is a very short-term procedure, and provides permanent solutions for life.
* Filling applications
are the most commonly used procedure for lip augmentation worldwide, regardless of age and gender. Filling applications can be easily preferred by everyone because they are both extremely practical and a lunch break process.
Using local anesthesia, people can have much more voluminous, attractive and natural lips in an average of 10 minutes. Although many permanent, semi-permanent and temporary materials can be used in filling applications, temporary hyaluronic acid applications are often preferred as the most reliable in terms of health.

Which filler brand should I choose?
As it is known, there are many brands in hyaluronic acid fillers. To summarize, the most frequently used brands in our country are juvederm, teosyal, restlyne and idea.
In general, since FDA or CE approved fillers are preferred in doctor's clinics, one does not have a clear advantage over the other. However, care should be taken that the person performing the application is a specialist in this field and that the filler is an approved filler brand.
During the filling application, all these brands are injected in the same way and give very close results. Some groups of some brands also contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic. It is a by-product added to reduce pain while filling is applied.

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