Face Lift
Face Lift

Face lift with fat injection is based on the principle of injecting the fat tissue on your face, after removing the blood, serum and non-good quality adipose tissue, after the fat injection is taken from another part of your body with low pressure with my tools specially produced for this purpose.

In which regions is it frequently used?

The areas where we get fat are often the inner parts of the legs, the belly and the waist. There is no permanent thinning or irregularity in the area where the fat is removed.

Should this procedure be done in the operating room?

Absolutely yes. Although surgical incisions are not made in fat injection, but the procedure should be performed in the operating room.


Chin and Cheek Shaping Process

Sometimes, your chin may be more protruding than it should be. In this case, the protruding part is filed and more rounded lines are given to the face. These surgeries can be performed together with fat injection.

Chin tip aesthetics

It may take up to 1 month for your chin to take its final shape.

Mid-face lift (Mid-face lift)

The area we call the middle face is the cheeks and cheekbones area. At a young age, the cheek fat tissue is located higher, the cheeks are tighter which makes the cheekbone area looks fuller. The fullness of your face is excessively in the upper part gives it  an oval appearance. With age, the cheek fat tissue shifts downwards and your face becomes square. The fullness shifts from the top to the corners of the mouth then grooves descending from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth appear.


Am I suitable for mid-face lift surgery?

If your cheeks look flatter than before, the borders of your cheekbones are clear and you see a tired expression in the mirror, then it may be suitable. Of course, you will be evaluated by your doctor before the surgery. This surgery is not necessarily an operation performed at an advanced age. It is mostly performed after the age of 30.

Does mid-face lift surgery remove all signs of aging on my face?

In mid-face lift surgery, the sagging tissues are lifted at a deep level without stretching the skin and subcutaneous tissue, while the forehead and temple area are also tightened. If you have loss of elasticity in your skin and sagging in the neck, only mid-face lift surgery may not be enough. You may need to have a mid-face lift with a classic facelift.

How is mid-face lift surgery performed? Does it leave a trace?

Facial swelling may be evident in the first 24-48 hours after surgery. Your face looks bigger and fuller than it is. It may take up to 2 months for the face to take its final shape. You can return to work after the 1st week.

Face and Neck Lift Surgery

In facelift surgery, loosened skin, loosened subcutaneous tissue, adipose tissue and muscle tissue are intervened. Only interfering with the face and not rejuvenating the eyelids does not provide a harmonious image. For this reason, it is necessary to add eyelid aesthetics in almost every case. Psychologically healthy, non-smoker patients who know what they want and have real expectations are suitable for this surgery.

What are the surgical steps?

The fin lift incision starts in front of the ear, turns under the earlobe and ends in the scalp. The skin will be removed, fat tissue will be reshaped, especially in the neck and chin. Subcutaneous deep tissues and muscle tissue will be tightened. The skin will re-draped over the stretched tissue and the excess part will be cut off, then it will be closed with smooth plastic surgery sutures.

How long after the surgery can I work and put on makeup?

You will leave the surgery with a bandage on your face and a small drain placed to prevent blood from accumulating under the skin. Your doctor will change your dressing and remove the drain the next day. However, it is appropriate to continue the bandage or mask for 3 days. On the 3rd day, when your face will be opened, you will see that it is swollen and purple in places, it takes 10 days for the swelling and bruises to go away. After few months, your face will be shaped and will look more natural. After the 10th day, you can apply make-up and go back to work. The stitches on the eyelid will be removed on the 5th day, and the ones on the face will be removed after the 10th day.

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