Zirconium Teeth
Zirconium Teeth

The process of coating around the tooth with the help of zirconium material is called zirconium dental coating. Zirconium coating makes the teeth look natural, strengthened and resistant to abrasion.

Zirconium tooth; In the prostheses attached to the teeth, which we call it the classical crown bridge, a metal support is first made to support the porcelain and prevent it from breaking against impacts, and the porcelain is processed on it. In the crown or bridge prosthesis made with zirconium, a white colored zirconium alloy, which has a very high resistance, is used instead of this metal infrastructure. Here, the teeth that use zirconium alloy instead of metal in this infrastructure are called zirconium teeth. Since the zirconium crown is a very durable alloy, it is also used in the anterior region as well as the posterior region crown bridges. Thanks to its constantly developing technology, it has gained a very wide usage area in recent years.

How is Zirconium Dental Veneer Made?

* Zirconium tooth crown covers the entire surface of the tooth, like metal-supported crown. For this reason, first of all, the tooth is reduced to a certain extent from all its faces under anesthesia, as in the classical veneer.
* After the oral preparation is finished, the measurement and all necessary records will be taken and transferred to the computer system.
* According to these records transferred to the computer system, block-shaped zirconiums will be prepared in 3D machines.
* If there is no problem in the zirconium infrastructure, whose compatibility with the tooth is checked with a rehearsal, the next stage will be porcelain production.
* It is processed on the zirconium substructure in porcelain layers.
* A rehearsal is done with porcelain in the mouth, and the preparation of the zirconium-supported porcelain tooth with polish is finished. After it is permanently attached to the tooth, eating and drinking can be done easily.

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