FUE Technique Hair Transplantation
FUE Technique Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation operation is an effective and permanent solution for people suffering from androgenetic alopecia, which is medically known as male pattern hair loss, but apart from this, people with scars or hair loss due to various hair diseases can easily have this operation.

Hair transplantation performed with the FUT method in the 1990s has left its place to the FUE method, which was developed in the early 2000s and started to be used after 2005. Since then, it has continuously improved with small innovations, but the basic principles of FUE have not changed. Today, it continues to be used as the most advanced hair transplantation technique.
FUE is the latest and most advanced technique in hair transplantation. Those who experience hair loss with the FUE technique can have natural-looking hair.
The feature of the FUE method is that it leaves little scars, provides rapid recovery and is a successful operation. There are variants of the FUE method that are referred to by several names.
* Classical FUE (Micromotor)
* Robotic FUE
* DHI hair transplant (FUE with Choi implanter)
* Sapphire FUE (FUE with sapphire tips) While
the FUE hair transplantation method with sapphire tips, which has been developed in recent years, provides more successful results; This is because the channels opened with sapphire, which is a smoother material, heal faster and leave less scars.

In the FUE technique, the hair is collected one by one with cylindrical needles, thus reducing the damage. Depending on the size of the hair follicles, it is important to use 0.7mm to 0.9mm needles or 1.0mm needles for someone whose hair follicles consist of 3-4-5 hairs. The sharpness of the needles and their one-time use is an important feature that affects the success of the application in terms of material. It ensures the extraction of hair follicles in accordance with their angles and prevents the roots from being damaged. So much so that there are even needles that take the extremely curly hair of someone from the root, which is defined as a u-graft, without damaging it with its curved shape. These are planned by the doctor before the operation according to the patient's condition.

In the FUE technique, metal, that is, steel slits are used to open the channels and an incision suitable for the natural direction of the hair is created. In this case, the transplanted hair grows according to natural directions.
The direction of the hair is an important issue to be considered while opening the canal and the angle of the hair relative to the skin while creating it.

In the stage of planting the roots, the hairs should be placed one by one at 40-45 degree angles in the channels opened in the right directions. Although each of the three stages has their own subtleties, it is an indisputable fact that the most important subtlety is experience.
The hair transplant technique that takes place without leaving scars and requiring no stitches is FUE!

* More dense and natural looking hair can be transplanted.
* It is a permanent solution from mild hair loss to severe complete hair loss.
* It is a comfortable technique because it is a procedure developed in such a way that the patients experience the least pain and does not leave scars or stitches after the operation.
* After FUE, patients recover quickly; They can easily return to their normal lives and travel after 1 day.
* If a hair transplant operation is planned correctly, the hair follicles taken from the donor area will not be damaged. Even if several operations are performed in this way, there is no negative change in the person's appearance.
* Planted hair grows in the place where it is planted with an efficiency of approximately 98%.
Hair transplant operation is an effective and permanent solution for people suffering from androgenetic alopecia, which is medically known as male pattern hair loss, but apart from this, people with scars or hair loss due to various hair diseases can easily have this operation.

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