Excimer Laser Therapy
Excimer Laser Therapy

What kind of treatment is Excimer Laser treatment?

With Excimer Laser treatment, people preferably before the age of 40 can see clearly, completely independent of glasses and lenses. With this painless and fast operation, the person can now have a very clear vision without using glasses or lenses. Generally, from the age of 22, the glaucoma stabilizes, therefore, although it varies from person to person, the ideal is to have this procedure done from the age of 22.

Which flaws can be fixed?

With this operation, MYOPY, HYPERMETROPI and ASTIGMATISM can be successfully corrected.
What is the transaction process like?

People who want to be Excimer Laser are first subjected to a detailed eye examination by the physician. It is evaluated whether there is an eye structure suitable for this procedure. This method is not applied to people with diseases such as diabetes, connective tissue diseases, advanced glaucoma, corneal degeneration. After the examination, the person's eye defect level and visual acuity level will be determined. It is checked for any other eye pathology. In addition, advanced examinations (orbscan, topolaser, pentacam, corneal topography, pachymetry, wave Front Analyzer, pupillometer, schirmer etc.) are performed and the treatment is planned in the light of these examinations and data.

What should be done before coming for the examination?

Soft lens wearers should stop using their lenses for 1 week, gas permeable semi-rigid lens wearers 3 weeks in advance. These people can use their glasses during this time.

What is the purpose of Excimer Laser?

In this method, it is aimed to correct the defective refractive power by making some changes in the cornea, which is the medium in which the light is most refracted when falling on the retina of our eye. In this way, the lights are focused on the retina, and the person regains clear vision without using an auxiliary device (glasses, contact lenses).

How does the system work?

The system operates completely under computer control. Even if the person moves their eye during the procedure, the eye tracker system monitors the eye movements and continuously sends the laser light to the right target. If the person moves his eye too much, the system stops the laser pulse and the surgeon starts the procedure again after providing the necessary stability. Thus, even if the patient moves his eye, it is ensured that the right laser light is sent to the right place.

How is the Excimer Laser process done?

It is a completely painless procedure that takes about 10-15 minutes (all time) with drop anesthesia. Eyes are not closed after the procedure. People may be asked to wear sunglasses as they may have light sensitivity. After the Lasek method, there may be complaints such as burning, watering, stinging for a day or two. The Lasik method is generally more comfortable after the operation.

Are there different method options in Excimer Laser?

Basically, the system can be roughly divided into 3 main headings. Superficial systems, systems with flap removal, systems with lenticule removed. These systems have different advantages over each other. Your surgeon decides which method will be more suitable for your eye structure by consulting with you.

• Superficial systems: They can be called by various names called Lasek, PRK, No touch. Here, the thin epithelial layer at the top of the cornea is separated and laser is applied just below it. It also gives good results in people with thin corneas. The ability to destroy tricks is in a narrower range than methods with flap removal.

• Systems with flap removal: In this method, which is known by names such as Lasik, Intralase Lasik, a corneal flap of various thicknesses is prepared with the help of a microkeratome or laser cutter, and laser treatment is applied to the corneal stroma under this flap. This method provides faster visual rehabilitation after the operation, is more painless and comfortable. This method allows correction in a wider refractive range. It is also very successful in people with high astigmatism.

• Lenticule-removed systems: This current treatment method, which has entered the literature under the name of Smile, is also very successful, especially in myopic patients. It started to spread gradually.

What should people pay attention to after the procedure?

After the procedure, people should use the eye drops prescribed for them on a regular basis. They should not let water touch their eyes for at least 1 week. Eyes should never be rubbed. It should not be in dusty and dirty environments. Eyes should not be touched with hands. Generally, the time to return to work is 4-5 days, although it varies from person to person.

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