Gallbladder Surgery
Gallbladder Surgery

The gallbladder, one of the smallest organs in the body, can be vital in terms of its functions. Gallbladder diseases, which most people postpone, result in the growth of the problem if not intervened early, and also affect the success of surgery, which is the most definitive treatment method.
If the person has complaints related to the gallbladder, he must consult a specialist physician and make the necessary preparations for the surgery. In gallbladder surgeries, where two methods draw attention, open and closed surgery will be applied according to the condition of the patient and the disease. 

What are the symptoms of gallbladder diseases?

* Darkening of urine color.
* Pain in the upper right region of the abdomen.
* Light-colored stool.
* Diarrhea.
* Nausea, vomiting.
* Digestive problems.
* Gas ​​problems.

What are the risk factors for gallbladder diseases?

* Being a woman.
* Having multiple pregnancies.
* Being overweight or obese.
* Having people with gallbladder disease in the family.
* Losing weight very quickly.
* Being diabetic.
* Consuming foods with high fat and cholesterol levels.
* Using drugs containing estrogen.
* A sedentary lifestyle.

Open surgery in the treatment of gallbladder diseases:

Since the main problem in gallbladder diseases is the bladder itself, surgical methods are mostly used for the treatment of the disease. The traditional one is open cholecystectomy, also known as open surgery by the public.
This method will be applied to the patient under general anesthesia. During the operation, the abdominal cavity will be entered through a surgical incision on the abdominal wall. The physician removes the gallbladder from this cavity and sutures the incision. It takes a long period of about 10 days for the patient to recover after discharge.

Closed surgery in the treatment of gallbladder diseases:

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, that is, closed surgery is also known as bloodless surgery among the people. In this method, there is no need to open a large incision in the abdominal wall. This surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. After the patient will be in sleep, 1 to 1.5 cm incisions will be made under the navel and around the navel.
The Veress needle will be inserted into the abdominal cavity and the abdominal cavity will be inflated by filling it with carbon dioxide.

Then, a tube called a trocar will be inserted from where the needle was removed. Here, cameras and other equipment will be placed inside. Then the gallbladder will be removed from these holes and the gas in the abdomen will be discharged. The incisions will be  closed with stitches and the operation will complete. This surgery takes about 30 to 40 minutes. Although it is unlikely that the patient will feel pain after the surgery, the carbon dioxide given may cause pain in the shoulders. After 1 night of hospital surveillance, the patient will be discharged. Recovery time is much shorter than open surgery.

How is gallbladder surgery done?

Gallbladder surgery is a closed operation called laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia by putting the patient to sleep. In the operation, a 5 mm incision will be made from the navel, and the abdomen will entered with a 5-port, then the abdomen will be inflated with carbon dioxide gas and the operation will be performed by reviewing the gallbladder, liver and other organs in the abdomen with a 5-camera. If there is no other disease, the other 3 ports are cut and entered. The gallbladder is separated from the liver with special fine instruments. The pouch will be taken out directly or in the bag through the 10 mm incision. The surgery will be completed by suturing the wounds.

How long does gallbladder surgery take?

Although the duration varies according to the gender, weight of the patient and the experience of the surgeon, gallbladder surgeries will be performed between 30 and 45 minutes. However, in some cases, the duration of the operation may be over 1 hour. The duration of the operation of the patient varies according to the condition of the patient's gallbladder. At this point, the important thing is to carry out the treatment of the patient properly. It is not possible to predict exactly how long the surgery will take.

Recovery time after gallbladder surgery:

After gallbladder surgery, the patient recovers one hour later. He starts to eat 5 hours after the operation. Although complaints such as mild abdominal pain and back pain may occur on the night of the operation, this may not be seen in every patient. Thanks to painkillers, it is possible to relieve these pains, and the patient's recovery is easier with drug supplementation. With this surgery, it is possible for the patient to stay in the hospital for one day and discharge the patient after the necessary tests are performed. 


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